Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9 2009

There has been an addition to the joe anderson writing team. I am the annoymous tipster and will be contributing to the cause. Damn followers, Joe looked sexy today in his USC travel baseball shirt. If you didnt see him today you missed out. Joe feels stress today as he took another Chadwick quiz, the second this week! He feels he did well but as always Mrs. Chadwick has other plans for him. He needs to focus on doing better than the mediocre 8.5 he got from yesterday's quiz...some words of encouragment might be needed. Nothing too serious, just a pat on the pack or a slap to the head ( careful not to damage his face, it is wonderful). If Joe was a historical figure he would be most definetly Benedict Arnold. He is trying to join a new cluster of friends and ditch his loving "old" ones. This is no doubt a ploy by Coach K to seperate Joe from us...peer pressure is on Joe! He needs to rise above and stay true to himself. We need more followers people so invite everyone you can! Adios!


  1. I am glad that there has finally been an update. All i can say is that i am worried for joe, because it seems as though this new cluster of friends may only want him for his body and he is only going to end up getting hurt. I hope he makes the right decision to stay with the ones that he knows like him for who he is and not what he looks like.

  2. Good decisions, Joe. Good decisions.

  3. I think the term follower does not fit me right. I believe that Joe the "Great" is actually a follower of me and everyone else. Pleae excuse my French.
