Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 2nd 2009

To all of the fans of Joe, I apologize for my lack of commitment to all of the followers out there. I had not seen Joseph in a while, due to my traveling. Today I saw Joe, an we talked about old times. He told me about his love life, and it is dominant. He is living "the life" dating 2 or 3 women. There have been some recent talks on the subject of Homecoming. Joe has too many ladies to choose from to go with. Joe's mother does not feel that any of those girls are good enough for her son. We all agree. Nobody is good enough for him. He has led his people against the opposite sex. Former friends become foes. Former foes become friends. This may be a bloody mess, but casualties can be dealt with if the overall goal is reached. The goal is to be appreciated and respected. He has been lifting again, which is part of an effort to get his life back on track. I will be with him tomorrow and will try to learn more about his life and his ways. Tonight, he came over to my house. I was alone and vulnerable and he chose the high road and did not take advantage. He was irresistable in him plain white t-shirt, and Nike black shorts. Since he is such a trend setter, I am sure everyone will be wearing that now. We also spoke about the Colt baseball playoff loss. Devastating. He went 1 for 2 in the game, and in poor weather conditions. Once again, his team could back him out. They lost the game, 12-4. Hopefully in the future Joe can get on a team capable of playing the game. And average team + Joe Anderson = championship. Since the team let him down, he is going to go for the gold one more time on his new USC Fall Ball team. Hopefully he is not playing with a bunch of idiots again. I will check back in tomorrow because i will see him.

When I was nearing the end of my entry today Joe asked, "Did I have any quotes today?" This really shows how Joe is always thinking 2 steps ahead of everyone else, and really cares about his fans and that they get the facts. It leaves me speachless.

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