Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 3rd 2009

Joe was looking good today in his Pitt baseball t-shirt. He felt pretty good about his morning Math final, after he had a doughnut in homeroom. It was a little energizer for him to get him through the day. He did get into a little bit of an argument with Matt Paxton at lunch today. He told him a bit of a lie to Matt in order to win the argument. I was a little disappointed because you know it starts with a little lie, and then it escalates to robbing banks. I'll talk to him about it. His Civics final was not quite as good, but he only needed a 30%. No lifting today, but Joe does have baseball practice which he needs a ride to. We will see how this pans out.


  1. Seems like things are getting pretty interesting. I cant believe Joe is going to be a bank robber.

  2. Donuts are key -- they make any day spectacular. Joe should visit room 213 more often.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
